But it’s shy of the Dr Martin Luther King Where There Is Any Unity There Is Strength shirt In addition,I will do this needed 3 mils for the full 18 months of full-time work. Most all who have offered their financial assistance so far have been involved with the aerospace, exotic projects themselves, electrical engineers, physicists, etc. That money could’ve gone to go to I don’t know veterans homeless. Just saying Jason Verbelli It’s not a false analogy I’m talking about trump spending $100 billion of taxpayer money playing golf at his own resorts. Well, they spent a billion dollars bashing Donald Trump on commercials for months so I’m sure that got the Democratic party a few votes by Trump has spent 100 billion taxpayers money playing golf in the last 3 years. Steyer never once said anything interesting and Bloomberg brought nothing to the table but his own arrogance Bloomberg, it wasn’t a teaching moment.