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  • Writer's pictureSouji Asura

That’s what I do I pontoon I drink beer and I know things shirt

Now that he is out of the That’s what I do I pontoon I drink beer and I know things shirt also I will do this race you can bet he will heavily finance those running against him. I hope they will continue to play in the political sandbox for the blue team. Bernie is losing support maybe he will be the hypocrite he always has been and takes your money now. Hmmmmm I guess people are not as enamored with billionaires as we let them think. I pray that they continue to the democratic elective to bring our country together. Alot of people complain about millionaires spending their own money on campaigns, but they dont complain when others wannabe millionaires wastes our tax money in their own favor and senseless vacations. Biden is the one buying the election and all the other candidates toppling like dominoes to support him proves itIs that why Biden spent so little money on super Tuesday compared to Sanders and Bloomberg.

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