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  • Writer's pictureSouji Asura

The bounty bow shirt

They also noted that he was bleeding from his right shoulder and treated the The bounty bow shirt in contrast I will get this shrapnell wounds (until his death he still had metal in there). It was later found (from pieces of the shell) that the gun got hit by “friendly fire”, a 20 mm shell fired by another gun did not self destruct after a certain flying time, but went on until it came down again, right on the battery box in front of the gunner. The gunner took most of the blast, but if my grandfather would have been at his duty station and not on the side bending down to get a magazine from the ammunition locker, he would have received the fragments right into his chest. I dont think it is dead. Right now I am reviewing a book on applications of CBR. The basic notion of CBR is quite nice and neat. But in practice, there are lot of complications to implement it truthfully.

Buy this shirt: The bounty bow shirt

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